Friday 26 April 2013

Photography: is it Art?

Photography: is it art

The reasons for; well my own personal opinion is that it can be depending on the photographer. If they are doing their photography for their own personal reason and not for benefit then it is art. Because artists sometimes say they draw from the heart. If a photographer takes a image from the heart then they can be an artist. But if they sell it for profit then I don't consider them an artist.
If you are being asked to display it then I still class you as an artist. But this is my opinion on the matter at hand. I think that when most artists sell their work for profit they just never really cared for their art at all. They just wanted money if you need to sell some paintings to make a living then that is fine. As long as they’re not too wealthy and still selling their art work. That is what I mean to take a image what is from your heart is what defines you as artist or photographer.

Another reason for; photographers take photos to show everyone their amazing photos. This shows that photographers like most artists can be spectacular in their own way. Without spending so many minutes, hours, days or even months improving their images or drawings. So that it reaches their expectations of what they have envisioned to produce. It is true that not all photographers care what people think as long as they get paid. But there are some who enjoy doing what they do because they do.

The reasons against; photography is not art most artist spend much time getting their art to look how they want which can take a large amount of time it can vary. This shows that when a photographer has their image they change it little by little to get their image to their perspective. This shows that more time is spent drawing for artists than most photographers.

This is a simple reason why and can be argued but it is still a reason and a major one at that this gives the problem. Which is a matter of personal opinion you can agree or disagree? But I am in titled to an opinion this is my opinion dont like it. We can have a discussion about my opinion then. Photography is what it is there is no reason to say it is art. Comparing it like this makes you see the faults in the two.

These photographers are comparing art to photography. But you see although art cannot catch realism. Photographs can’t capture imagination that comes from the mind this is inspiration to most. But an idea for artist most would base their ideas around their inspiration. Artists just create what they see fit till they get their drawing to what they want they can give up but usually go back after a while to see if any other inspiration will help them or motivate them enough to carry on.
Those who have come to a conclusion on my opinion have the choice to agree or disagree I will not say your wrong but this is my decision on this matter but this is a subject which can be talked about in certain situations but with this being a two topics in this project my opinion is a bit stretched but this makes me slightly more determined to get my work complete this may seem a bit strong but the matter of being a photograph is a means most don’t understand for they do not understand the position of those who are taking the photos them self being in the situation of saying you’re a photographer is different to just taking photos there are some photographers who are serious on the matter and those who are not some don’t even bother depending on how their personality is this can also define what type of photographer you are. You may think of this as harsh but this is my opinion again.
But it is truth which I speak when I took this course for photography I thought we are going to talk about the photos we took but it is not like that at all it is a lot more complicated than that it is about the types of photos yes how you can change your photos from when you take them or when you edit them this course is more than how most people would see it the fact of the matter is that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover that meaning that not everything is how it appears from the start to the end anything an change even the look of how you see photographers. This can change from people saying point and shoot to something a bit more complicated like change the aperture to F11 and shutter speed to 1/60 of a second  this can change depending on the situation of how people see it depending on the people who want that type of change.
The matter that I was on about is that photography is art to me as long as you don’t become a sell out to what you do I can class you as an artist but as I said this is my opinion there are people with different opinions to me this may make you an artist in their eyes but in mine it depends then.

This is always being showed from one side and not both so you only see what they want you to see. They are the government but I’m not going to tell you it is a conspiracy because they have reason as well this is their decision to do so.

There have been photographers, which are experts in war photography, which I'm going to talk about this has made a  impact on the world with photographers like Roger Fenton, Mathew Brady, Alexander Gardner and James Nachtwey to name a few but these are known by a lot of photographers who cover wars they are inspiration yet eye openers.

What I`m going to tell you is that being in conflict has consequences for both sides so you can`t judge both sides in war you can't say you feel the same pain from losing someone It may sound like I am saying I know your life but I don't so you may have lost someone I wouldn't know and I apologise if you have. It is not the greatest feeling I presume for I have not lost someone through war so I don`t know the feelings someone feels when they lose someone in a war.

Conflicts never end how they plan out unless you know how both sides are going to act but then you would have knowledge over the battlefield this gives a distinct advantage in this type of situation. Conflict can be anything not just war it can be a fight or even a argument  these  types of things are easy to understand and less people are hurt but in a war zone this is different both sides take casualties and suffer for the loss of someone to them even if they have nothing to do with the war. This means anyone can be hurt not just someone they know there are people on both sides who know their pain some who know it first hand and some who know it better than those who have lost one person. Not to make it sound that those are insignificant but that too inform that you’re not alone when it comes to this.

This type of question most people think they`re fine they`re safe that is wrong a large majority of war photographers die during these types of wars they just went to take pictures to show you what a war is like. But many photographers die during this over 150 die a year during a war this makes it hard for most photographers to make a decision if they should risk there life so you can know what is happening in a war you may not want to know. But most do want to know what is happened they have mixed emotions at that time unsure what to do at that moment unless they know they feel useless. For the photographers always trying to stay alert so that they don't get attacked in the war zone. So they`re always fearing for their life an adrenaline going through out there body and depression about having to look at a travesty.

If you draw an explosion you think wow that looks great you see a picture and your disgusted in horror this shows the colours of war .But yet so many volunteer to go I'm not going to say anything bad about it for they have their reasons for doing so and that gives them a motivation. But when people say photography; is it art it can differ on the content of what is art in the first place is it anything you can see or touch. Photography is its own type of art in a way but to be called an artist is to show something from the heart.


Is to fight back against something even if the odds are against it this has always been how resistance is although if you type resistance in you seem to get the game resistance fall of man for Playstation 3. That is different to the resistance I’m talking about the resistance I’m talking about is fighting back in many situations a resistance are formed sometimes the resistance wins and sometimes it loses. The wins and losses can decide on which side can win or lose there is usually a battle of some sort goes on there can be more than one but sometimes there is only one to them it is war even in a argument one has a different opinion to the other side this is showing resistance in a argument but there are more dangerous ones then that.

The ones I am talking about is war based resistance though this type of resistance is where people have had to stand up and fight back because they have no choice they choose to fight for what they believe in not going to say I agree with all of the resistance points of why they choose to fight but I think if they believe in something and you fight for what you believe in then that is your decision and you have my respect although this doesn`t make all resistance good people there are resistance which you may class as bad people and ones who you class as good but in the end a resistance is to fight  against something or someone for example when you hear someone go on strike then you imagine they need or want something but this counts as a resistance to the manager or the owner it is up to them what they do though do they give in to their demands or do they fire them this is a decision this can be a hard decision or a easy one depending on their job and how hard they work.

Well those aren’t the only types of resistance there are resistances in anybody if you get told to do something you resist to do it that is a resistance not as strong as most other resistances but that is because there are larger groups for most resistances though other resistances can have very simple points just as much as not wanting to go to sleep or even wanting or needing more money to the person their conviction towards it can deem its worth to the person who is resisting this can show how much they resist to give in to them to do something just because they are told will not make them do it. This is known as Free will being able to fight for what you believe to what you fight for is up to you but fight for what you want don`t be controlled to do something unless that is what you wanted. Also resisting getting bullied is a good one you should try it but don`t resist for something what does not bother you at all and by that I mean if you going to fight back do it. If you are not bothered by it then your decision as what you should do.

This is one of my assessments for my work

Wednesday 24 April 2013

I've got my new assignment Experimental Photography

Got to experiment with 4 different techniques the choices were.
*Product Photography
*Self Portrait
*Low Key
*High Key
*Light Painting
*Social Commentary
*Single Strobe (Single Flash)
*Digital Manipulation (Photoshop)

What I choose was Product photography, Self portrait, Silhouette and Digital Manipulation (Photoshop)
although i have done one of these before it is for my assignment and doing three complete new ones will be part of my challenge. For this work although if i choose all four as different ones I may have not be able to handle it. As well as I have to do three HDRI shots with any choice of what images i take as long as it is a image i have taken i will be taking images of in game shots.